Out of this World Mobile Massage

Whether you had a great massage or a mediocre massage, it is very likely that you had to drive to get there.

Of course, on the way there this was fine; you were going to get all this stress plus everything before hand handled with only 60 minutes of bliss!

Which you probably did, though who doesn’t like longer on the table, eh? 😛 A miracle!

But after you have to drive home.

Through traffic.

With Massage Brain.

And today especially, it’s raining!

What if you could start with just relaxing at home?

Then relaxing while you wait for your massage?

And then you relaxed through your 60 minute massage, which then felt like a 120 minute massage cuz, you know, you were already relaxed…

And then you relaxed comfortably in your own home, cuz you already paid for your session and The Wizard gets to do all the driving to wherever he needs to go next.

Oh yeah, and you got the same exceptional therapist! This guy:

Sounds too good to be true? Find out!