Mobile Massage Therapy

How does it work?

Don’t worry about driving, traffic, scheduling or whether you will get the same massage therapist as last time! I bring my table to you and in the safety and comfort of your own home you get the bodywork you need.

The Wizard, delivered
And pet friendly!

Step 1: Book Online

Be sure to let us know if you have any pet or cream allergies by giving us a call at 720-664-7934.

Step 2: Fill out the Intake Form(s)

If this is your first time working with a Wizard, feel free to download, print and fill out the intake forms in advance!

Step 3: Prepare Your Space

About 15 minutes before Your Wizard is scheduled to arrive:

  • Find a 12 foot by 12 foot space clear of furniture.
  • Create the therapeutic space you want:
    • Adjust the lighting
    • Play your music
    • Turn the heat up (or down)

Step 4: When Your Wizard Arrives

Show them to your newly created studio!

And then enjoy the Out of this World massage you needed. 🙂

How much is this amazing service?

You can get an out of this world Table Massage Therapy Monday through Sunday:

$120 for 60 minutes

$150 for 90 minutes

$240 for 120 minutes

What are the clients saying?

It really helped my tired old muscles, and the advice about how to keep in tune has really helped!


Attention to my toughest/ most sore areas. And the amount of pressure as well. You were able to work on my leg! There was a lot of relief and it create a lot more movement!


Cori has a great attention to finding the spots I didn’t realize I needed more work on.


I liked the massage. It was quite relaxing and I liked how I felt after.


Cori is very thorough and careful in his work. He asked what I needed that day, and while beginning the session, asked if I had ever had myofascial work done, and asked if I would be interested in it. This made me feel confident that he was thinking of the best treatment for my needs. I felt much much better at the end of the session. I didn’t realize how tight my muscles were until the tension was relieved.